Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Momma and Babies

Can you believe that this year is half over already? I am looking at the calendar and realizing that it is almost August, my first born will be going to Kindergarten soon and my baby will be three months old on the 17th. I've said it many times and I've heard countless others say it as well, but it is true...time moves so quickly! It waits for no man... Seize the day...

Monday, July 23, 2012

Zac and Gracie

Having the opportunity to capture portraits of man's best friend is a lot of fun. Meet Zac and Gracie, two very friendly, furry friends. They welcomed me into their home with a lot of enthusiasm. ;)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Josiah turns 1

Do they come any cuter than this?  Blonde hair, blue eyes and lots of baby chubs...happy birthday Josiah!  You are growing up so fast!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I made a trip out of town recently to photograph my nephew's first baby. Congrats Keith and Amber! Hannah is a doll. I think I took as many photos of Hannah as I did of my own little one. I would apologize for the long post but who doesn't love looking at photos of a newborn baby? ;) Thank you Beanie Bird by Robin for the wonderful hats and mermaid set! You can check out her etsy page for even more photos of little Hannah in her modeling debut. :)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Yoda, Owl and a Tutu

I think it is safe to say that I am a prop junky. I had the tutus hanging in a line, a big pile of hats, buckets, baskets and a nest. How can you not have fun with a cute baby and cute props. ;) Thank you Baxter family for coming to visit and allowing me to play with your little princess!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I am so glad to be back at work! The triple digit temperatures are not fantastic but I don't even mind that really. While visiting my family, I had the opportunity to meet three cute little blondes. Thank you, Edelman family, for inviting me out to the farm to photograph your little ones.