Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Times Two

I may be a little crazy but I really think that 2-year-olds are one of my favorite ages. Terrible two's? Maybe... Do they always cooperate? No... But, they are so cute and so full of personality. Each session is unique. You never know what is going to happen. Thank you "B" family for letting me play with your little ones....


  1. The girls, as always are adorable! I love them playing in the water but my favorite is of them walking together holding hands.

  2. Beautiful times 2!!

  3. Sweet girls and I know the terrible twos is no where to be found!! Trust me the threes are worse. Lol
    We love you guys and the photos are amazing!!!

  4. How cute. You can see their personalities.
    (Couldn't figure out how to post any other way.)
